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Fermer Web iPhoto Access (WiPhA)

  • [new] Compatible with Lion and Snow Leopard only (PPC support dropped)
  • [new] Clicking on a picture now enters the slideshow mode. An icon has been added to select pictures for download
  • [new] Add a way to install WiPhA in a different path (see installation instructions)
  • [fix] Fix video streaming to Safari (tested with Safari 5.1.1) and iPhone (tested with iOS 4)
  • [fix] Suppress video caching, to solve a bug where a video could only be seen once
  • [fix] Correct one more warning on Snow Leopard appearing when parsing the library
  • [fix] Some albums or events were missing in WiPhA if iPhoto gave them the same id

WiPhA_v2.6.dmg(2 618,43 ko)Téléchargé 3169 foisTéléchargerHyperlien

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