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forum.gifForum - Web iPhoto Access - Sujet n°72

Sujet n°72 Warning on admin page
    par Ike - visiteur
le 24/02/2006 @ 06:32
Hi, I managed to install wipha on my 10.4.5 box by
a) adding the three lines (install suggested two)
to the end of my httpd.conf file
<Directory "/Users/isaac/Sites">
AllowOverride All
b) commenting these lines in .htaccess in wipha directory
# Used for PHPs running as cgi rather than apache module
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# RewriteEngine on
# RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

after this I get the following error

Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused in /Users/isaac/Sites/wipha/libs/wipha.php on line 94

Does anyone have an idea what's up?
Thanks in advance.
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Réponse n°1 par Globs - rank ( 154 messages )
le 24/02/2006 @ 13:46
This is where Apache tries to connect to my site to check for an update version.
You probably have a firewall or little snitch or something which prevents it to open this connection.
Site web Globs Ecrire à Globs Poster une réponse


Réponse n°2 par Globs - rank ( 155 messages )
le 24/02/2006 @ 13:49

a) adding the three lines (install suggested two)
to the end of my httpd.conf file
<Directory "/Users/isaac/Sites">
AllowOverride All

I don't understand why you need this, since httpd included user conf files.
the installer is supposed to update (or create if necessary) your /etc/httpd/users/you.conf with this setting.
Site web Globs Ecrire à Globs Poster une réponse


Réponse n°3 par ike - visiteur
le 25/02/2006 @ 11:27
You asked:
don't understand why you need this, since httpd included user conf files.
the installer is supposed to update (or create if necessary) your /etc/httpd/users/you.conf with this setting.

Your install program suggested I do this! Without it, nothing worked, so I did it and at least I got the site.
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Réponse n°4 par ike - visiteur
le 25/02/2006 @ 11:30
I am not running little snitch, so unless you are trying to get
out on a non standard port number, I'm not sure I understand
why version checking should be a problem. Plenty of apps I use do version checking.

I assumed it was a problem, as when I logged in as admin it didn't even seem to find the standard iphoto library, which
I assumed it would by default. Perhaps it doesn't by default.
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Réponse n°5 par Globs - rank ( 158 messages )
le 25/02/2006 @ 16:38

unless you are trying to get out on a non standard port number, I'm not sure I understand why version checking should be a problem

Neither do I. I just use the file_get_contents standard php function to get this info, so it surely use the standard port.
You can use this simple php page to test it:
echo file_get_contents("");
It should display such a string:

a:1:­{­s:5:"wipha";a:2:­{­s:3:"ver";s:3:"2.0";s:3:"dat";s:11:"22 Feb 2006";}}

There is no iphoto library set by default. You need to add them, as I explain in the doc.
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