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Note #86 by Nightflight1 28/06/2011 @ 17:48
Please update YAMB for Thunderbird 5 and further. Thx. And by the way great Add-On.

Note #83 by hmatsue 30/03/2011 @ 16:56
Thanak you so much!
"External Editor" is exactly what I was looking for a long time!
Now my Thunderbird can cooperate with Emacs.

My system is:
Kubuntu 10.10
Thunderbird 3.1.8

Thanks again smiley smile

Note #82 by Carsten 28/03/2011 @ 02:46
So happy I can finally use my own text editor.  Thank you!

Note #75 by NIghtflight 22/06/2010 @ 20:23
Please update YAMB for Thunderbird 3.1 and further. TB 3.1 is finally working fine when you several mail accounts without getting the stupid message that the folder is blocked while progressing mail check.Thx. And by the way great Add-On.

Note #74 by heboland 20/06/2010 @ 21:03
Hello List! This is my first post here.
I'm trying to use OOoWriter from Oracle Vs 3.2.1 as an external editor. My env is openSuse 11.2, KDE 4.3.1 and TBird 3.0.1.

My first problem is finding a commandline executable to invoke the writer.

I may have to defer to something like emacs or Xemacs, but I would like to see have far I can take writer.

Has anybody out there tried OOoWriter as an external email editor using the TB extension from this site? Heboland
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